Thank-you for taking the time to answer these questions.
I want to make sure that this work is a good fit for what you want to accomplish and that now is a good time for you to make the commitment to a season of self-care.
If accepted, I will send you a link to pay for the intensive & to set up your first appointment.
Please note that there are appointment times available for intensive participants that are not open to the general public, and I can only take 3 self-care yoga intensive students at a time.
I want to make sure that this work is a good fit for what you want to accomplish and that now is a good time for you to make the commitment to a season of self-care.
If accepted, I will send you a link to pay for the intensive & to set up your first appointment.
Please note that there are appointment times available for intensive participants that are not open to the general public, and I can only take 3 self-care yoga intensive students at a time.