Focusing on one change increases your probability for success, and it also allows you to map out your personal best practices for creating new patterns and releasing old habits. Once you know which tools work best for you, you can apply what you discover to any other area you choose.
The draw to pay more attention to our health is often accompanied by a feeling of overwhelm, Keeping it simple and being interested and patient with the process sets you up to make a lasting change,
Small lifestyle choices build upon each other, there's no need to get it right all at once.
The Reflective Process
I'd like you to chose a journal to use during the next 10 weeks or so, and I'd like you bring it with your to our first meeting. I use a large spiral sketch book so I have space to organize my thoughts visually - please choose what works best for you.
Reflecting on your process and your progress helps you in ways we'll talk about when we meet. If you like, you can use your journal to identify the focus of your challenge using the questions and prompts in the following section, or to express any reactions your have in response to selecting what it is you would like to change.
Choosing Your Focus for the Challenge
Get detailed about what it is you would like to transform and what draws you to that choice,
How will you know when you are on track? How can you quantify your progress?
Check to make sure your aim is realistic and err on the side of simplicity.
Is the change one you can sustain (with or without modifications) for the long term?
Connecting & Accountability
This is a closed group that consists of past and current workshop participants & others interested in this topic. This is just one place you can connect with support and accountability, which are vital components of our work. You can start thinking about the best sources for support and accountability for you - identifying these resources will be part of our first meeting.
Get on your mat at least once this week - use your membership to take one of your 5 monthly classes, or roll out your mat and practice at home. Whether it's a 75 minute flow class, 5 minutes of sun salutations, or 10 minutes of savasana, commit to your practice in some way this week.
Can't get to the studio? This is a 20-minute slow and gentle practice designed to open and strengthen the shoulders.
May this moment find you moving through life with ease & grace. See you on your mat!